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A letter from my friend

Hello everybody and today i am showing a letter that my bestie send to me. Even why she lives in Spain ( we speak English ) and I have never met her but just seen her on a videocall and talk to her every single day, I feel soo lucky that I have a friend like her.

This is a letter she sent to me some months ago:
" Well Ana
 I will try to make it the most beautiful letter as possible to you because you are so important to me. Okay I 'will start by saying that thank you so much for posting that image saying that you would like to meet and talk to new people. You were so cute and still being soo so cute.
You are now one of friends that I will love to see you can't imagine. You are an incredible person like you were able to keep talking with me no matter which language we speak and that's so precious. Other thing is that I learned so many things with you I never have seen such a strong hardworking cute and humble girl
Thank my dearest you so much for existing Anna. And wow you helped me a lot you know I don't have so many friends and you are one of those special person that are so important and kind to me YOU ARE THE BEST. Oh and also you are so funny oh my god. Well I will be always there for you thank you for staying by my side and I hope our friendship lasts forever We have to do a videocall I will love to meet you and we surely do. You will do whatever you want and you will achieve your dreams. You are so beautiful honest and humble and intelligent you shine so bright just by yourself I love you so much my soulmate!"

I love her so much! I am 100% sure, one day we are going to meet and I am so happy. 
I tell to her everyday that she is like my sister that I have never had and the day we are going to meet is going to be the best day ever. 
Love your besties and care for them because having a good friend is one of the most important thing in our lifes. 


  1. 😭😭💞I can't love you more you are an angel to me


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